3 MONTHS actually!
My last post was November 1. Today is January 25th! A lot has gone on that I wish I had blogged about, but my computer broke a few months ago, and the one I'm using now is really old and slooowwwww.
We've been loving the Dexter library. I have been going on the website and requesting books on there, then when I go with Ben he can play, (they have a great kids section) and we can pick out books and DVDs for him, and then I just ask for my books they are holding for me when we check out. It's awesome.
This is a book called The Foggy Foggy Forest by Nick Sharratt
The pages are a thin vellum type paper. I think it's called vellum, I may be making that up. It's like tracing paper but a little thicker. You can see through it, so it gives the effect of looking through a foggy forest! You can sort of see whats on the next page. It's really cool.
There have been so many more that we have been enjoying. I'm going to make an effort to keep up with Book Sharing Monday again!