Sunday, May 17, 2009

Ooooh the weekend

Saturday we got a new kitten, I wasn't that into the idea, since Tuna just passed away last fall.. but now that we have him home I'm glad we did it. It's so fun to watch Ben and him play.
His name is Charlie, he's pretty cute.

And then...
I really like driving around to all the parks around town according to the A2 Parks site (Ann Arbor Parks & Recreation) there are 157 city parks. I'm even thinking of going down to city hall to purchase an official Map to mark off the ones that we've visited.


So today we found

There was a yellow dinosaur that lived there, it was a great park

Then we found

But I don't have any more pictures from there for some reason, so it must not have been that exciting.


This was another great park. Huge play structure, and a tire swing!

It was a good day. Then James' car died. Ah well...

1 comment:

  1. sorry about james' car! but it's cool that you're checking out all the parks, what a good idea. We'll join you in that, figure out which ones are good.
