Wow what a week
It started out kinda chaotic. We moved EVERYTHING on Sunday, which wasn’t the original plan, we had talked about moving all week, and moving our “big stuff” this weekend. But I decided (for us:) ) that we should just get it over with. The house was SUCH a mess, I wasn't 100% ready to move, so at the last minute things got pretty unorganized.
But it has worked itself out. It always seems to happen that way.
The first couple days I felt claustrophobic with all the stuff EVERYwhere. But now I've got things at least distributed to the rooms they go. So it’s starting to come together. Slowly.
(This one is Ben eating a tomato,
I had to take it to show Dad, who hates tomatoes!)
So the first fun thing that happened…
We don’t have screens on our windows, the seller took them down to paint and didn’t put them back up. They are a pain to put up, so we’ve just been opening up windows sparingly and keeping an eye on the cats. Especially Charles who has hit puberty and all he wants to do is go out and impregnate some females. Yummy.
Well we were upstairs in Ben’s room, and the window was open. On that side of the house the window opens up to the lower roof. I was busy unpacking and Ben says “NO Charlie!”. I turn around and Charlie is on the edge of the window, I grab him, pull him back in, give him a beating, and then go on with my day…. well Charlie walks into my bedroom, turns around and bolts toward the window. It was like slow motion. And then Charlie was on the roof.
So I was trying to use my niccceeessst voice, to get him to come back in. Remember that I’m home with Ben, and James is at work.
I get his food bag and shake it.
Then Charlie comes face to face with a really pissed off chipmunk. I was sure they were going to duke it out. But luckily the chipmunk figured that Charlie was a little bigger than him and retreated.
Then Charlie started to climb the tree.
And climb.
And climb.
I call James, he was getting off work in about 20 minutes anyway, but told him to stay there while I tried to get him in.
So I haul Ben outside to try from out there.
By the time we get outside Charlie is back sitting on the window ledge.
So I run back inside, with Ben in tow.
Of course Charlie is back in the tree.
And climbing higher, and higher.
So I call James and tell him to come home and help, this is useless.
Of course Charlie gets so high he panics and sits there and meows.
So we coax, and coax, he attempts to come down a few branches.
But THEN! He finds a nice large squirrel nest made of sticks and leaves and decides to lay down, take a bath, and a quick nappy.
So we gave up, we left, went out and ran our errands, had dinner and came home, to that little shit just running around the house like nothing ever happened.
Fun adventure #2 More window fun
After the Charlie incident we went out and bought these half window temporary screens that just sit in window while you have it open.
The windows are 100 years old, they’ve been painted over 50 times. They are warped, they are crazy hard to get open and closed.
So James attempts to get some screens in, and you have to get the window open 10 inches to do so. The first two windows are too stuck.
The third window smashed into 100 shards of glass all over the dining room.
James was SOoooo pissed. And I have this sick disease, or disorder, whatever you want to call it, when something bad happens all I can do is laugh hysterically.
It just struck me as really funny.
So today WallSide Windows is coming out to give us a quote.
On to the next adventure.