Thursday, August 13, 2009

House update

Well we have a done deal. The seller is going to install the radon mitigation system, using a company that we picked. They lowered the cost of the house $300 (wow. big deal, $300 over 30 years is so helpful...) and they are buying us the home warranty ($400), so in the end we didn't get the cash that I was hoping for to fix everything, but James' parents said they would help us out, we'll pay them back of course.

SO the appraisal has been ordered, after that the mortgage process can officially begin hopefully pretty soon we will have an idea when we can CLOSE!!

Look at this awesome picture: This is what we look like when we wake up from a long nap :)

We got some big boy underwear. It's pretty exciting

Look at Ben's afro! He needs a trim I'd say. Hopefully this weekend.

1 comment:

  1. dude, that's some sweet hair he's got. I have a matching fro right now, maybe Benny and I should go to the salon together :)
