1. Gas leaks found all along the piping coming off the furnace. They were actually labeled and tagged by the seller. Of course he knew about all of these problems, he had his own inspection. Why wouldn't he just fix what NEEDS to be done?!
2. Corroded pipes coming off of the water heater. New(ew) water heater, bad pipes. Explain that.
3. High radon levels. Yay. (at least $800 to install radon mitigation system)
4. The toilet isn't installed correctly and physically moves back and forth.
5. The bathtub backs up
6. All the plugs and switches are new in the kitchen but aren't GFI. Why install something new and not do it right??
7. One plug in the 3rd bedroom needs to be grounded.
8. The railing and stairs off the back need to be updated. Not up to code.
9. New windows a must.
10. Some wiring exposed in the upstairs closets/eaves. (Eaves? Is that the right term or did I just make that up?)
That's all I can think of off the top of my head.
So we made an addendum to our agreement asking for a $2,500 credit at closing to fix all of the items that NEED to be fixed. So keep in mind the seller knew all of these things existed when we were agreeing on our first offer, which he only came down from $4,100. And he isn't paying for a home warranty so we have to buy our own ($400). We just did a rough estimate hoping he would agree to it and give us our house! I told our landlord what our status is, our lease is up Aug 31. (21 days and counting). He said we could stay through September if he doesn't rent it, but he's already listed it on facebook and is going to start showing it. We will be homeless! If worse comes to worse we can move our stuff somewhere and stay with parents or whatever. But I REALLLLLLLY don't want that to happen! Moving twice?! Moving in with parents?! NOOOOooOOOO!!!
So we've been waiting since last Wed/Thurs to hear back from them and hoping he'll just agree, or lower it down a little ($2,000 maybe?).
We still haven't heard. So James called our agent, who spoke to the seller's agent last week. The Seller's agent is in the U.P. The seller is "out of the country", but is thinking that he wants to "do the work himself". Um no.
He hasn't done anything right yet. The toilet isn't secured down for god's sake, we have to cut the linoleum and redo the toilet! He's worthless, and being too cheap. He doesn't care about the quality of the work, of course not, but if any of this isn't done correctly then we are screwed. We don't have money to fix all of this, and it all needs to be done right away!
The radon system is a big one, there are different options of how it can be done, and some of them will greaty change the utility bills!
This is just awful. I can't take much more stress. I'm trying to just stay calm and relaxed, I've started to pack, started to weed through things and start the moving process. I figure we should be ready to go by the end of the month no matter what. I'm going to call to schedule the appraisal today.
I just have to keep this in mind : :-D
Man after I re-read my post I'm so retarded, I should really do a once over before I post things. My land lord posted the listing on facebook? Maybe I meant craigslist, ... Oh jeeze.